DISCOVER HIT LEAP!!!!Powerfull traffic exchange site for boost your Soundcloud, Youtube, Reverbnatio music/video play!!!!

Ok guys, now I will explain a trick very well thought out, to dramatically increase your play soundcloud, reverbnation and youtube, in one shot, with “Hit leap.”
Do not think that this is a scam or a fraud, because it is not!

1) What is HitLeap?

HitLeap is a Traffic Exchange, also known as an autohits service
We help you increase your website hits, rankings (alexa, google) and more.
Our affiliate program gives cash and traffic commissions of up to 50%.

2 ) How does it work?

After signing up, you will submit all the websites you want to send traffic to.
Then you will earn free traffic by viewing other people’s websites.
Alternatively, you could buy a traffic package from us.

HitLeap has a software or you can surf from Mozilla firefox and earn minutes and meanwhile you’ll be getting the hits…. Its amazing software screenies are added below.

Let’s start!
FIRST-Register to the website by clicking the banner below!

SECOND-download the software to autosurf (You can not download it, but it is advisable, because it never blocks.)
THIRD-If you have an account reverbnation, soundcloud and youtube, and you have a website also free, you have to create a page where put your music  or video player.

Now the trouble begins!
You have to create playlists random, for youtube, for reverbnation and soundcloud.
What to do?

For reverbnation, you must use the “TuneWidget.”
You have to configure it with autoplay, and random option.



Unfortunately, for soundcloud does not exist a way to use the shuffle function, using the original player.

You’ll have to create it, by going to the website:
Simply connect the soundcloud account to the site, and you can immediately create your own completely playlist.
By clicking on “you”, there will appear several icons that are nothing more than your own songs or playlists.
Select the songs with which you want to create the playlist and drag in the right column.
MycloudOnce done, click on the button “Embed”, select “autoplay” and “shuffle” and copy the code created.
Shuffle my cloudYOUTUBE:

To create a random playlist, you need to use the free service offered by “
You must first log in using facebook or create a new account.
Once done, you can create your own playlist, enter the name of your video in the search field and add the video you want.
Click on “next”.
tubesnack 1
Now you can choose the model of the player. I recommend minimalist.

Tubesnack 2

The important thing is that, in the “setting” select “shuffle”, “autoplay”.
Uncheck the controls for the player and set the volume to minimum.
Click “Finish”.

Tubesnack 3Now your youtube playlist is ready, and will execute your videos in autoplay mode and random for each visit.

Now click on the “Embed”, click on “Free” and copy the html code.

tube4Now you can create your html page, inside your widget, to be inserted in your website.

The result should be this:

widget page

Now that your page is ready, you need to start earning minutes with automatic HitLeap Viewer, in your turn to receive visits on your website.
Now you can go into your profile Hit Leap, and add in “My websites” your web page.
Will reach you a confirmation email.
You can determine the number of visits per hour and the time needed to visit.

I hope this guide has been helpful.
This here is one of the few methods free, and without using bots.




i would like speak you about BEAT100.

BEA328124417_640t100 is a social network much like reverbnation but with the difference that it has a video weekly music charts by which you can win up to $ 2000 as first prize.

I was very surprised because the people are very nice and unlike reverbnation or other social networks people participate!

Anyway is simple.
You can subscribe via facebook, you upload your own songs via soundcloud or their own videos via youtube, you have to choose the videos you want in the table, spread the word and wait.
Our video can remain on the charts for three weeks without losing the votes, and that’s great.

I think this one is one of the better social network for musicians that i tried!!!

Go now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂


Need to show off your facebook page or get fans?
Well there is a little secret in recent years that allows you to do it all for free.
Depending on how you will you apply you may be able to obtain from 5000 to 30000 fans and even more.

In present social networks have become very important for a blog or website to get visitors. There are millions of users in the world of social networks. Again this number of users are rising very fast day by day. So these social sites can be a great source of traffic to a blog or website. But it needs lots of likes and shares in facebook, tweets and followers in twitter, likes and subscribers in youtube, shares in linked in, posts in tumblr and many more. Again it not an easy task to have vast number of likes, shares, subscribers, tweets in short time. You will find some merchants who sells these stuffs. But now it is not necessary to invest money in order to get likes, shares, subscribers, tweets as you can get it totally free.

Yes guys! It’s true.

There are many social exchange sites which offer facebook, twitter, youtube, linkedin, tumblr, soundcloud, reverbnation, myspace and other social sites stuffs free of cost.

A list of social exchange sites is given below:

Alexa Rank: 1,836
Page Rank: 3
Daily visitors: 94,000+

Alexa Rank: 6,099
Page Rank: 4
Daily visitors: 29,000+

Alexa Rank: 9,653
Page Rank: 3
Daily visitors: 29,000+

Alexa Rank: 35,615
Page Rank: 0
Daily visitors: 25,000+

Alexa Rank: 10,430
Page Rank: 3
Daily visitors: 18,000+

Alexa Rank: 14,849
Page Rank: 4
Daily visitors: 18,500+

Alexa Rank: 28,623
Page Rank: 2
Daily visitors: 18,000+

Alexa Rank: 40,343
Page Rank: 1
Daily visitors: 15,000+

Alexa Rank: 57,365
Page Rank: 2
Daily visitors: 14,000

Alexa Rank: 47,706
Page Rank: 1
Daily visitors: 12,000+

My personal trick is: use “addmefast“, download Mozilla firefox and the plugin “iMacros” for mozilla, download the macros for addmefast(you can find them on google looking with a bit of patience), use imacros with addmefast for run the macros.

this macros can you give you the chance to get a lot of free point in automatic only leave it open the browser. 😉


Obviously it is only a matter of image.
In this way, you put the turbo everything you have but then you will be the one to keep the fans glued with your content.